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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Belly Fat......

Is it least attractive on a man or woman?
Belly Fat on a man or woman is equally undesirable and unhealthy. In addition, belly fat can be a major casue of back pain and can heavily influence disease, and quality of life.

Now, the first thing I look at when I see a woman is her hair. However, I know a guy that looks at a woman's stomach first. He has a rule that if the woman's stomach extends past her chest, then he moves on to the next one. On the other hand I know some women who look at a man's teeth and shoes but a close third is the guy's stomach. If the guy cannot see his feet then they are immediately turned off. What do you look for in a potential mate? How do you feel about extra cushion in the mid section.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Guts not abs......all of us have it

It is no surprise that most Americans are obese and most of our body fat lands right around the midsection. Typically forming what we often refer to as a GUT!! Some people have several explainations as to why  (child birth, hormones, beer,etc.) However I believe most of us would like to parade our abs around like "The Situation". So what's your excuse for not taking the ab plunge? What's holding you back?