Exercise at least 3-5 hours per week (a combination of resistance exercise and aerobic exercise). To stimulate weight loss at least 7 hours a week.
2 . How many calories a day should I eat.
No fewer than 1200 calories per day even if you are trying to lose weight. To lose 1 lb, you have to consume 3500 less calories per week.
3. How many times should I eat a day?
Evenly space your meals (3-4 hours is ideal) Always eat breakfast!!
4. What are the benefits of exercise?
Improved body composition, improved health, improved performance
5. What are the benefits of a personal trainer?
Exercise program designed specifically for you. Knowledge of various exercises and nutrition. Motivation. Accountability. Ensure proper form to prevent injury. Arguably faster and better results
6. What is the best diet?
I do not prescribe to dieting. I believe in making lifestyle changes. Dieting often leads to quick weight loss and then quicker weight gain. Yo-yo dieting can seriously damage the body.
7. How much weight should I aim to lose?
1-2 lbs a week is a safe amount of weight to lose and keep off.
8. What foods should I avoid?
Your body needs a certain amount of fat, carbohydrates and proteins each day. There are foods that you want to limit but not necessarily eliminate. Focus on eating proper portions and making good food selections (e.g. complex carbs vs. simple carbs, good sources of fat like avocado vs. transfat)
9. How many veggies and fruits should I eat eachday?
8-10 vegetables. 1 fruit for every 4-5 vegetables
10. How much alcohol can I drink?
It depends on your goals but definitely less than 5 drinks per week
11. What does it take to be successful client?
A real desire and readiness to change, specific goals, consistency
12. What if I do not have time to go the gym?
The gym is not the only place weight loss can happen. There are no excuses. I can assist you with building a program to accumulate 5 hours of exercise a week.
13. How do I get a six pack?
Exercise (cardio and ab exercises), proper nutrition and sleep , and reduce stress14. Should I eat before I work out? If so, how much?
You should eat a protein/carbohydrate based meal 1-2 hours prior to working out and 1-2 hours after working out. The goal of every workout is to prevent your blood sugar from dropping. Typically, a meal or snack 200 - 400 calories is sufficent.
15. How much protein should I eat a day?
Some physique athletes have long relied on the rule of 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight - or 150 grams per day for a 150lb individual
16. How much water should I drink a day?
8-12 8oz cups a day
17. How much water should I drink when working out?
Before you exercise, you should drink 500 milliliters approximately 30 minutes before you exercise. Approximately, 250 milliliters every during exercise.