Which one is winning in your life?
There use to be a time when we could blame a lack of knowledge as the reason why we may not be achieving our goals. However, there is an abundance of knowledge and information available these days. Now, the issue is a lack of application. We know what to do but we don't do it. Why? Too many excuses. I can't tell you how many I hear: "I am waiting on my friend to start training with me," " I don't have time," "there are too many holidays coming up," "it is expensive to eat healthy," etc. The excuses are endless.
If you are guily of making excuses expect to keep getting what you have been getting. However, if enough is enough start thinking of ways and reasons to take action. For example, one reason to take action is that 70% of Americans are suffering from ailments associated with dietary intake. Sure, it is hard to stop eating all that fried food and sweets but can you afford not to?
Some simple ways to start taking action:
1) Purchase a pedometer and set a goal to get to 10,000 steps a day
2) Workout 5 days out of the week. Join a gym or get a trainer. If you can't afford either, workout at home. Get some tapes from Goodwill
3) Eat at least one vegetable a day and work yourself up to 8-10 servings
What one thing are you going to commit to today to start taking action and stop making excuses?
Let you actions outweigh your excuses!!